Saturday, August 3, 2024

Mom Joys


1. I lost my glasses 2 weeks ago. They vanished.

A child found them in his backpack Thursday, when he went to Grandma's.

I ordered new ones Wednesday night.

2. In Aldi's Aisle of Shame recently, I picked up a hammock chair, for myself. Craig screwed a hook into the beam above the deck, and we all take turns enjoying it. 

Also from Aldi's AOS, I got a 3 foot round inflatable swimming pool, which was on the deck with about 2 inches of water in it. 

Boy sat in hammock chair and went round and round and round and round and round and round... then KERPLOP!! KERSPLASH! He, still sitting in the swing, was also sitting in the pool. Except he, swing and all, landed on the side of the pool, after which all 3 air receptacles were popped open. They- the pool and the boy- were quite deflated.

3. This morning, a certain person was dashing around here, completing his task of picking up stuff, vrroooming around.... "Mom, do you know why I'm a Monster Truck?" (Pulls his pants down far enough to reveal his new monster truck undies.)  Informs me that he next will be a jet engine, then a race car, then a dump truck (he'll have to go slow that time, because dump trucks are slow).

I dunno. Maybe I make life's issues too complex.

Maybe I just need new undies.