Sunday, October 22, 2023

Adventures of Cleaning Boys' Rooms


I love being a Mom of Boys.

There is never a dull moment.  Never.

One of the things that a Boy Mom faces is that she never knows what she will find when it is Room Cleaning Time.

One day, it was a Snot Wall. Seriously.  Apparently,  tissues make good drawing paper, because I also found a treasury of detailed Pen On Tissue art. But tissues for wiping noses? Absurd.

This past week, I cleaned out a collection of finger nail trimmings. Ew.

I put away a toy screwdriver 🪛.  I was promptly told that this son NEEDS the screwdriver on his bedside shelf. Why? "To make holes in my pants." He went on to explain that he doesn't like wearing pants,  and so if he makes holes in all of them, he won't have any left to wear, and therefore won't have to wear pants.

If you have noticed a gradual (or rapid) change in my hair color over the past decade,  this may help you understand. 

Momming Boys is not for the faint of heart.

It is, however, one of my favorite things ever.

Even (or maybe especially) when I find things like this clothespin/rubber band contraption on the ceiling fan: 

 I never have been fond of dull moments anyway.


  1. One of my dear children had a snot wall too. If you mean by that, a place to wipe snot and boogers after picking them out of your nose. I was washing the wall by the bed and wondering what in the world could be on there. I could hardly believe the explanation. Just why?!!

    1. Oh, I'm so glad mine isn't the only one, lol.

  2. This made me chuckle. I’m cleaning a boys’ room today. Sigh.


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