Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Shoe Saga

Four kids and one mother, all packed into one Expedition,  went on an expedition.  

En route to Destination, it was discovered that one kid had no shoes.

A call was made to another mother of different kids. "Hey, are you going today? Got any shoes? Please?"

Shoes were brought and attached to the unshoed kid.

Much tromping and stomping through woods and adventureland was done and pleasure was experienced. 

Borrowed shoes were returned. 

Four kids and one mother, all packed into one Expedition,  returned from the expedition.

En route to home, it was discovered that three kids had no shoes.

A call was made to the park. "Got any shoes? Please?"

An additional trip was made to the park office a few days later.

"I see some shoes that belong at our house!" said the mother.

"Ah, yes, please take them!" said the lady. "At least you're not the only one!" she said, pointing to the second pair of shoes.

"Those are ours also," said the mother.

The End.

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