Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Beef up your Thanksgiving!

This little ditty flew off my brain in the middle of the night, when I was trying to write a marketing email for our beef.

If you actually ARE interested in our beef, you can visit millerfamilyhomestead.com


Cows don't fly

And the facts don't lie

The risk of Beef having Bird Flu

Is not very high.

Instead of a Thanksgiving Turkey or Ham

The Millers can help make a better plan!

Roasted Beef Roast, grilled Ribeye, Sirloin or Filet,

Are fit for the In-Laws who come on that day.

Dried Beef & cheese sandwiches, Beef Dogs, and Sticks

Chili and jerky can add to the mix.

Smoked Short Ribs or Brisket-

Oh, how you could fix it!

A big, juicy burger, a big pot of Beef Stew

Would be perfect to warm up the really cold you!

Fajitas with flank steak, Bologna with cheese

You can serve up a feast with the greatest of ease!

Beef bacon for breakfast, Steak for lunch,

Tacos for supper- munch, munch, munch, munch, munch!

We’ll even bring your meat right to your house!

So get gas for the grill, and talk to your spouse.

If you order by Saturday, November nineteen,

We'll bring it to you before Thanksgiving- yippee!

So shoot me an email or give me a call.

Your Beefed-up Thanksgiving will be greatest of all!

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