Monday, November 28, 2022

Sense-ations of Love

When one of the first sounds I hear in the morning is coffee grinding, and the man grinding it is a firmly acclaimed Coffee Non-drinker, I know- this is what love sounds like.

When I feel those little fingers grasping, gently curling and uncurling around mine, I know- this is what love feels like.

When the smell of that coffee surfs the air current into the living room, just waiting for me to finish feeding the baby, I know- this is what love smells like.

When I look outside, and see lights in the barn because he said that since there are fewer calves again, I don't need to help feed them every single feeding, I know- this is what love looks like.

When I finally get to taste that morning coffee, and it tastes just a little bit better this morning, I know- this is what love tastes like. 

When I find myself spinning in the balance of exhaustion and exhilaration, of wants and needs, of hugs and quarrels, of offenses and forgiveness, of calm and LOUD, I know- this is the proprioception of love.

Now it's your turn! I'd love to hear about YOUR sense-ations of love today!

How did you hear-feel-smell-see-taste-sense love today? 

Bonus material
Obviously, when I wrote this, Morning Coffee was heavy on my mind. I could have written these alternative Sense-ations, as the day progressed:

When I catch a whiff, and go to change yet another powerfully scented diaper, I know- this is what love smells like.

When I bite into that Pancake-egg-meat-cheese sandwich that he made when he came in from chores (because I was neck-deep in several business-related projects), I know- this is what love tastes like.


  1. Proprioception--now that's a good word! I had to look it up. Spell check doesn't even know it. :)

    1. Sometime, I want to do a series on Something I Didn't Know Was a Thing (until I needed to know). Proprioception is one of those.


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