Wednesday, February 21, 2024


For some reason, it's easier to make fun of someone else's hoarding than to deal with our own.

My mom is a prime target of our mockery. We laugh at her jello that's as old as her house (I really have no idea how old her jello is, just that it is old. But still good, of course. Gelatin is longevous.).

Recently,  my son found some jello in my own pantry which was several years expired.  I discarded it. When you have a child whose nervous system does not respond kindly to Red #40, you do things like throw jello away. Even longevous jello.

Later, I was cleaning the cupboard with some jars full of dry goods. There was a jar of red hots that I'm pretty sure pre-dated Craig and my first date, which was also red hot (well, actually,  it wasn't.  It was cool and awkward, but we had a second date). Anyway,  I was debating the fate of the red hots, which I won't feed my children for the same reason I avoid Jello. I tapped the side of the jar to dislodge the aged red hots, and the jar busted. It was a slow cascade from the broken jar, but the red hots poured and poured and poured, into my jacket, and into my pockets, and all over the floor. The red hot question answered itself.

Too many spaces in my house are occupied by things that are there just because Someone put them there. "Do it later" stacks don't work well for me; they just invite friends over to stay.

It's a testimony to Crisis Hopping, and being in survival mode for too long. 

So I have been slowly working my way through The Stacks, making room for Current Things in our lives.

If I would get embarrassed by this sort of thing, I would be Very Embarrassed.  But instead, I blab about it online,  because, well, maybe you have piles you need to dig through too, and I'm here to say, "You can do it!"

I found treasures like chapstick from a job fair in nursing school. From 2008?

Tonight,  I went through this entire stack of tubs, and saved a few things, and filed a few more. One of them was tax information from 2017/2018, blissfully taking up space in my cupboard. That information has been relocated to a logical location, and I have both the container AND some extra cupboard space. It probably took 20 minutes to get through the entire stack.

Here are a few reasons I have so many things to "unhoard":

- Poor boundaries,  and not vetting incoming things more carefully. 

- Physical and mental/emotional limitations.  I legitimately had to let some things go, through certain seasons.

- Procrastination 

- Perfectionism,  and waiting for the perfect time to do the perfect thing with the stuff.

So now, I've got stacks and boxes to deal with.

One Little Thing at a time.

Now I'm curious- what are the space-fillers in your life? How do you avoid the Procrastination Cesspool?

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Celebrating the Family of God- 10 things I love about my church


The "family of God" is much larger than our church. But these ten things are about our church, in particular. 

1. We meet in an old church building with  stained glass windows.

2. We're an odd mix of traditional, old-fashioned,  and modern.

3. The people make incredible food. Seriously,  the potlucks never disappoint. I think I always take the worst food there 😆 

4. The children have some wonderful Sunday School teachers who have invested many hours into developing a through-the-Bible interactive study.

5. Bible memory is encouraged and rewarded, for the kids.

6. Our singing is a lot better than it was 10 years ago 😉. The building acoustics help, too.

7. Adult Ladies' Sunday School Class. We're working our way through Romans right now, and I am thoroughly enjoying the study.

8. We practice some New Testament teachings that many find strange and many more deem unnecessary. Washing each others' feet. Anointing with oil for the sick. Heads covered for the women. Fasting is encouraged.  

9. We do fun things together. 

10. We serve each other. We have had so many meals cooked for us, through Baby Season, and we've cooked a few for others. There is willingness to pitch in and get things done. Sometimes,  as in most groups, there has to be some extra motivational encouragement,  depending on the project,  but I'm thankful for the work-together attitude. 

There are more things, but there's my Ten Things List!

Monday, February 5, 2024

Celebrating Life on the Farm- 10 things I love about scratching out a living from the dirt

Being on a farm is not where I envisioned myself in my adulthood,  and parts of it I will never love. But this isn't about that; it's about the parts I do love.

1. Wide open spaces

2. Animals

3. Few neighbors

4. Beautiful sunrises and sunsets

5. Quiet places

6. Big skies

7. Fresh air

8. Green things

9. Educational opportunities 

10. The Farmer Himself