Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Current and Recent Mental Distractions:

I had a goal to write 100 words a day, and post them many of those days.  I got distracted by the details of life. 

I have thousands of words galloping through my brain, but whether I can bridle them into sentences and harness them to a carriage where they can transport meaningful thoughts to the reader is the question at hand.

If you're game for a wild ride, saddle up your horses and try to keep pace. I'll lead you on a wild ride through Thought City. We'll turn the Distractions into Attractions, and pause briefly to examine the bits of Real Life that temporarily made me forget about writing things I'm okay with sharing right here, right now.

Current and Recent Mental Distractions: 

  1. A trip to my Mom's, as a Mom of 4

  2. Tax prep

  3. Easter Bible Walk

  4. School teaching, and planning next year's curriculum 

  5. Deviated septums 

  6. Stress fractures

  7. Cryptic tonsils

  8. Steak sales 

  9. Dutch Blitz

  10. A dream about a cougar in the house and a handgun I couldn't figure out how to use

  11. Statutes of limitations 

  12. Mothers with heartbreak caused by their child's sin, departure, or death

  13. Children with heartbreak caused by their parents’ sin, broken relationships,  or death

  14. Wordle

  15. Has anyone ever done a rhinoscope on a rhinoceros?

  16. Snow in April, and concerned robins

  17. Meat sales

  18. Water in basement 

  19. Enmeshed family systems 

  20. Estranged family systems

  21. Strange family systems 

  22. Wiggly children 

  23. Pantry purge

  24. Bible Study

  25. Jesus’ power over sin

  26. Daffodils 

  27. Even darkness is light to God

  28. Books to write

  29. How imperfect parents can raise emotionally healthy,  functional children who love Jesus and love people 

  30. How many things to list before I call the list Long Enough

  31. This font is called "Architect's Daughter." I think that's perfect, considering I am the daughter of the most creative, wise "Architect" in the history of the universe- its Creator!

Pictured: a couple snapshots from our church's Easter Walk on Good Friday

1 comment:

  1. That Bible walk looks like a special time (and a lot of work)! Wish I could walk through.
